Recent invasive species papers from Restoration Ecology, Biological Control, Journal of Applied Ecology, and others.

New York Invasive Species Research Institute
Author archive for: Abby Bezrutczyk
Abstracts of Interest: May 2018
Recently published invasive species papers from Biological Invasions, Science, Forest Ecology and Management, and others.
Abstracts of Interest: April 2018
Recently published invasive species papers from Biological Invasions, Journal of Ecology, Restoration Ecology, and others.
Abstracts of Interest: March 2018
Recent invasive species publications from Biological Invasions, Restoration Ecology, Scientific Reports, and other journals.
Abstracts of Interest: February 2018
Recent invasive species papers from Diversity and Distributions, Journal of Applied Ecology, Biological Control, and others.
New Educational Video on Hydrilla Available
In partnership with Dr. Linda Rayor of the Cornell Naturalist Outreach Program and Carol Jennings of the Park Media Lab at Ithaca College, NYISRI...
Abstracts of Interest: January 2018
Recent papers on invasive species topics from Journal of Applied Ecology, Biological Invasions, Restoration Ecology, and others.
Recordings from Invasive Species Track of Cornell Cooperative Extension In-service Now Available
The 2017 Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Systems In-service, held November 13th to 15th at Cornell University, brought researchers and natural resource...
Abstracts of Interest: December 2017
Recent invasive species papers from Journal of Applied Ecology, Nature Ecology and Evolution, Restoration Ecology, and others.
Abstracts of Interest: November 2017
Recent published invasive species papers from Biological Invasions, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Forest Ecology and Management, and other journals.