Aquatic Invasions
Dispersal of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) downstream of an invaded reservoir
Biocontrol Science and Technology
Biological Conservation
Ask not what nature can do for you: A critique of ecosystem services as a communication strategy
Biological Control
Biological Invasions
Water guns affect abundance and behavior of bigheaded carp and native fish differently
Invertebrates associated with aquatic plants bought from aquarium stores in Canada and New Zealand
Amur maple (Acer ginnala): an emerging invasive plant in North America
Conservation Biology
Distribution and protection of climatic refugia in North America
Using social‐network research to improve outcomes in natural resource management
Tick‐borne disease risk in a forest food web
Chronic impacts of invasive herbivores on a foundational forest species: a whole‐tree perspective
What does it take to implement a successful citizen‐science program?
Forest Ecology and Management
Safeguarding reforestation efforts against changes in climate and disturbance regimes
Global Change Biology
Rose Rosette Disease: Recent Advances on Molecular Diagnostic Tools
Management of Biological Invasions
Natural Areas Journal
Taking the Long View: A Conversation with a Parks Protector
Does local isolation allow an invasive thistle to escape enemy pressure?
Temperature affects phenological synchrony in a tree-killing bark beetle
Tolerance of subzero winter cold in kudzu (Pueraria montana var. lobata)
Plant and Soil
Restoration Ecology
Communicating useful results from restoration ecology research
Assessing ecosystem functioning in forests undergoing restoration
Call to restrict neonicotinoids
Decision-making in a storm of discontent
One-third of global protected land is under intense human pressure
The hidden biodiversity of amphibian pathogens