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Our Research Projects

Spotted Lanternfly – Detection Dogs

Who can detect spotted lanternfly the best- canines or humans? With funding from the  Academic Venture Fund from Cornell’s Atkinson Center for Sustainability, we’re working with partners to improve detection of this invasive insect.

NY Research Priorities

Since 2015, NYISRI has been asking our stakeholders their research needs– what information do they need to better accomplish their jobs in invasive species management? Here are the results.

NY Invasive Species Regional Planning Model

How can managers allocate resources across invasive species, areas, and actions to reduce environmental, human health and safety, economic, and social impacts of invasive species at the highest treatment effectiveness?

Swallow-wort Biocontrol Research & Outreach

We’re working with state agencies, researchers, managers, and landowners across the state to test the impact of a biocontrol agent on invasive swallow-wort.

JWORM Working Group

Invasive jumping worms threaten the future of our forests. With the Jumping Worm Outreach, Research, and Management (JWORM) Working Group, we’re working to raise awareness and prevent their spread

RISCC Management Network

As part of the Northeast Regional Invasive Species & Climate Change (RISCC) management network, NYISRI helps to both advance research on climate and invasions, and share its management implications.

Biological Control

What is biological control? Find information and resources on this management method here.

Associated Research Projects

Working with researchers at Cornell University, we’ve helped to find funding for and advance research on environmental DNA, biocontrol, and more.

Monthly Research Digest

Every month, we compile the latest in invasive species research from 15+ journals into our monthly digest.