Structured Decision Making Workshop Held at Cornell University to Discuss Priority Setting for Invasive Species in New York State

On April 22nd and 23rd 2015, in cooperation with the Cornell Cooperative Extension Invasive Species Program, NYISRI coordinated a structured decision making (SDM) workshop to discuss how invasive species priorities are currently being selected and to determine a path for setting future invasive species priorities in New York State.  Sixteen professionals from across the state attended, including all eight PRISM (Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management) leaders, the DEC Invasive Species Coordination Unit, IMAP, NYS Parks, and the NY Invasive Species Advisory Committee.

Over the course of two days, facilitators trained in SDM engaged leaders in discussions of priority-setting methods currently used to address invasive species, problem framing, and identifying appropriate metrics of success.  Several existing prioritization tools were presented, including area, project, and species-specific models. The workshop concluded with a discussion of how, moving forward, these tools can be applied and adapted in New York State.


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