Abstracts of Interest: December 2017

Biological Invasions

Tracking an invasion: community changes in hardwood forests following the arrival of Amynthas agrestis and Amynthas tokioensis in Wisconsin


Conservation Biology

Assessment of the conservation measures partnership’s effort to improve conservation outcomes through adaptive management



Small genome separates native and invasive populations in an ecologically important cosmopolitan grass


Forest Ecology and Management

Phytophthora cinnamomi as a driver of forest change: Implications for conservation and management

Mortality of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) in association with a novel scale insect-pathogen complex in Virginia and West Virginia


Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

Editorial: Triage in Conservation


Global Change Biology

Diverse effects of invasive ecosystem engineers on marine biodiversity and ecosystem functions: A global review and meta-analysis


Invasive Plant Science and Management

Not All Roads Lead to Rome: A Meta-analysis of Invasive Plant Impact Methodology


Journal of Applied Ecology

A tale of two studies: detection and attribution of the impacts of invasive plants in observational surveys

Identifying Critical Life Stage Transitions for Biological Control of Long-lived Perennial Vincetoxicum Species


Nature Ecology and Evolution

Risks to pollinators and pollination from invasive alien species



Seven years of NeoBiota – the times, were they a changin’?



Belowground competition drives invasive plant impact on native species regardless of nitrogen availability



Naturalization of European plants on other continents: The role of donor habitats

Rapid adaptive evolution in novel environments acts as an architect of population range expansion


Plant and Soil

Plant-earthworm interactions: influence of age and proportion of casts in the soil on plant growth, morphology and nitrogen uptake


Restoration Ecology

Emerging approaches to successful ecological restoration: five imperatives to guide innovation

Translocations, conservation, and climate change: use of restoration sites as protorefuges and protorefugia