Abstracts of Interest: January 2018

Biodiversity and Conservation

Functional and taxonomic perspectives for understanding the underlying mechanisms of native and alien plant distributions

The role of protected area zoning in invasive plant management


Biological Control

Cryptic east-west divergence and molecular diagnostics for two species of silver flies (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae: Leucopis) from North America being evaluated for biological control of hemlock woolly adelgid


Biological Invasions

Biotic resistance and the spatiotemporal distribution of an invading woodwasp, Sirex noctilio

Source–sink dynamics explain the distribution and persistence of an invasive population of common carp across a model Midwestern watershed

Fish behavior in elevated CO2: implications for a movement barrier in flowing water

Winter hatching in New England populations of invasive pheretimoid earthworms Amynthas agrestis and Amynthas tokioensis: a limit on population growth, or aid in peripheral expansion?

Impacts of an invasive virus (CyHV-3) on established invasive populations of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in North America


Diversity and Distributions

Predicting global ascidian invasions

It takes one to know one: Similarity to resident alien species increases establishment success of new invaders

Comparison of defence and performance traits between one widespread clone and native populations in a major invasive plant species



Experimental evidence that density dependence strongly influences plant invasions through fragmented landscapes



Impact of an invasive alien plant on litter decomposition along a latitudinal gradient


Forest Ecology and Management

Assessing an integrated biological and chemical control strategy for managing hemlock woolly adelgid in southern Appalachian forests


Global Change Biology

Is salinity an obstacle for biological invasions?


Global Ecology and Conservation

Identifying knowledge gaps for gene drive research to control invasive animal species: The next CRISPR step


Journal of Applied Ecology

A history of ship specialization and consequences for marine invasions, management, and policy

Back and forth Wolbachia transfers reveal efficient strains to control spotted wing drosophila populations

A tale of two studies: Detection and attribution of the impacts of invasive plants in observational surveys


Journal of Aquatic Plant Management

Field-based comparison of herbicides for control of parrotfeather (Myriophyllum aquatium)

Inter- and intraspecific hybridization affects germination and vegetative growth in Eurasian watermilfoil


Journal of Ecology

Functional trait differences and trait plasticity mediate biotic resistance to potential plant invaders


Journal of Plant Ecology

Plant Invasions


Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia

Supercolonies of the invasive ant, Myrmica rubra (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in British Columbia, Canada


Natural Areas Journal

How Widespread are Nonnative Species? Estimating Habitat Occupancy in an Ecological Reserve within a Megacity


Plant and Soil

Fungal endophytes from seeds of invasive, non-native Phragmites australis and their potential role in germination and seedling growth

Disease protection and allelopathic interactions of seed-transmitted endophytic pseudomonads of invasive reed grass (Phragmites australis)


PLoS One

Environmental DNA (eDNA): A tool for quantifying the abundant but elusive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus)



Predicting tipping points in complex environmental systems

Science and Culture: Painting with invasive pigments


Restoration Ecology

Microwave soil heating reduces seedling emergence of a wide range of species including invasives

Piscicide impact extends beyond targets and toxicity

Barriers to ecosystem restoration presented by soil legacy effects of invasive alien N2-fixing woody species: implications for ecological restoration


Scientific Data

Introducing the Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species


Weed Science

Seed Longevity and Dormancy State Suggest Management Strategies for Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) and Japanese Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum) in Deciduous Forest Sites