Recently published papers on invasive species topics from Biological Invasions, Oecologia, and other journals.
New York Invasive Species Research Institute
Author archive for: Abby Bezrutczyk
Abstracts of Interest: July 2019
Recently published papers on invasive species topics from Biological Invasions, Conservation Biology, and other journals.
Abstracts of Interest: May 2019
Recently published invasives species papers from Ecology Letters, Ecosphere, Biological Invasions, and other journals.
Abstracts of Interest: November-December 2018
Recent papers on invasive species from Biological Invasions, New Phytologist, Science, and other journals.
Abstracts of Interest: October 2018
New invasive species publications from Biological Invasions, Biological Control, Management of Biological Invasions, and other journals.
Researcher Spotlight: Dr. Peter Ducey
Meet Dr. Peter Ducey, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor at SUNY Cortland.
Abstracts of Interest: September 2018
Recent papers from Oecologia, Restoration Ecology, Biological Invasions, and other journals.
Spotted Lanternfly Detected in New York
The spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) has been detected in New York State...
Abstracts of Interest: August 2018
Recently published papers from Journal of Applied Ecology, Conservation Biology, Forest Ecology and Management and other journals.
Abstracts of Interest: July 2018
Recent invasive species publications from Journal of Applied Ecology, Forest Ecology and Management, and other journals.