Abstracts of Interest: August 2018

Biodiversity and Conservation

The role played by invasive species in interactions with endangered and threatened species in the United States: a systematic review

When introduced equals invasive: normative use of “invasive” with ascidians


Biological Control

Host utilization and fitness of the larval parasitoid Tetrastichus planipennisi are influenced by emerald ash borer’s food plants: implications for biological control

Mortality factors of Anoplophora glabripennis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) infesting Salix and Populus in central, northwest, and northeast China


Biological Invasions

Competitive effects of cultivar and wild switchgrass on other native grasses

Not so fast: promoting invasive species to enhance multifunctionality in a native ecosystem requires strong(er) scrutiny

Tall-statured grasses: a useful functional group for invasion science

Enemy of my enemy: evidence for variable soil biota feedbacks of Vincetoxicum rossicum on native plants


Conservation Biology

Using social‐network research to improve outcomes in natural resource management

Qualitative Impact Evaluation of a Social Marketing Campaign for Conservation

Assessing effects of non‐native crayfish on mosquito survival



Decline of a foundation tree species due to invasive insects will trigger net release of soil organic carbon

Determinants of invasive species policy: Print media and agriculture determine U.S. invasive wild pig policy


Forest Ecology and Management

Invasive earthworm damage predicts occupancy of a threatened forest fern: Implications for conservation and management

Accuracy of aerial detection surveys for mapping insect and disease disturbances in the United States

How long do seeds of the invasive tree, Ailanthus altissima remain viable?

Decadal changes in tree range stability across forests of the eastern U.S.


Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

Strategic Development of Tree Resistance Against Forest Pathogen and Insect Invasions in Defense-Free Space


Journal of Applied Ecology

When to monitor and when to act: Value of information theory for multiple management units and limited budgets

Maintaining ecosystem properties after loss of ash in Great Britain

Advancing restoration ecology: A new approach to predict time to recovery

Pet problems: Biological and economic factors that influence the release of alien reptiles and amphibians by pet owners


New Phytologist

Carbon gain phenologies of spring‐flowering perennials in a deciduous forest indicate a novel niche for a widespread invader



Beyond the swab: ecosystem sampling to understand the persistence of an amphibian pathogen

High resources and infectious disease facilitate invasion by a freshwater crustacean



Core Concept: Environmental DNA helps researchers track pythons and other stealthy creatures


Restoration Ecology

Spicing up restoration: can chili peppers improve restoration seeding by reducing seed predation?

Effects of experimental harvesting of an invasive hybrid cattail on wetland structure and function

The good with the bad: when ecological restoration facilitates native and non‐native species



Can a transgenic chestnut restore a forest icon?

Control freaks

Protected land: Threat of invasive species


The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society

The potential for indirect negative effects of exotic insect species on a liverwort, Bazzania trilobata (Lepidoziaceae), mediated by the decline of a foundation tree species, Tsuga canadensis (Pinaceae)

The effects of salt and rainfall pattern on morphological and photosynthetic characteristics of Phragmites australis (Poaceae)