Biological Control
Biological Invasions
Spatio-temporal dynamics and drivers of public interest in invasive alien species
Experimental species introduction shapes network interactions in a plant-pollinator community
Biases in global effects of exotic species on local invertebrates: a systematic review
Utilizing environmental DNA for fish eradication effectiveness monitoring in streams
Do roads or streams explain plant invasions in forested protected areas?
Fungal communities do not recover after removing invasive Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard)
State of the art of eradicating island invasives…and much more
Conservation Biology
Rethinking the native range concept
Ecological Applications
Are traded forest tree seeds a potential source of nonnative pests?
Refinement of eDNA as an early monitoring tool at the landscape‐level: study design considerations
Predicting invasiveness of exotic woody species using a traits‐based framework
Enhanced activity of soil nutrient‐releasing enzymes after plant invasion: a meta‐analysis
Long‐term propagule pressure overwhelms initial community determination of invader success
Global Change Biology
Invasive plants negatively impact native, but not exotic, animals
Journal of Ecology
Direct effects of a non‐native invader erode native plant fitness in the forest understory
Natural Areas Journal
Controlling Italian Arum (Arum italicum)