Abstracts of Interest: March 2018

Biocontrol Science and Technology

Effects of Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle (Hydrocharitaceae) growing conditions and nutrient content on the performance of a leaf-mining fly, Hydrellia purcelli Deeming (Diptera: Ephydridae)


Biological Conservation

Possible unintended effects of management at an invasion front: Reduced prevalence corresponds with high condition of invasive bigheaded carps


Biodiversity and Conservation

Current understanding of invasive species impacts cannot be ignored: potential publication biases do not invalidate findings

Contrasting impacts of highly invasive plant species on flower-visiting insect communities


Biological Invasions

The exponential growth of invasive species denialism

Evaluation of machine learning methods for predicting eradication of aquatic invasive species

Understanding the role of DNA methylation in successful biological invasions: a review

Dispersal mechanisms for zebra mussels: population genetics supports clustered invasions over spread from hub lakes in Minnesota

Effects of admixture in native and invasive populations of Lythrum salicaria

Rubbish dumps as invasive plant epicentres


Conservation Biology

Minimizing opportunity costs to aquatic connectivity restoration while controlling an invasive species



Long‐term record of Argentine ant invasions reveals enduring ecological impacts

Contrasting effects of specialist and generalist herbivores on resistance evolution in invasive plants



Drawing a map of invasion biology based on a network of hypotheses

Unsuccessful invaders structure a natural freshwater phytoplankton community

Nutrient availability and invasive fish jointly drive community dynamics in an experimental aquatic system


Forest Ecology and Management

Old pests in new places: Effects of stand structure and forest type on susceptibility to a bark beetle on the edge of its native range


Functional Ecology

Can we predict the long‐term impact of earthworms on plant successions?


Journal of Ecology

Environmental filtering and competitive exclusion drive biodiversity‐invasibility relationships in shallow lake plant communities

Acclimation of leaf traits in seasonal light environments: Are non‐native species more plastic?



Risks associated with glyphosate weedkiller resurface



The Homogocene: a research prospectus for the study of biotic homogenisation



Short-term responses to warming vary between native vs. exotic species and with latitude in an early successional plant community

Exotic plant species receive adequate pollinator service despite variable integration into plant–pollinator networks


Plant Biology

The impact of global warming on germination and seedling emergence in Alliaria petiolata a woodland species with dormancy loss dependent on low temperature


Restoration Ecology

Restoring species diversity: assessing capacity in the United States native plant industry

Impact of invasive plant control on soil loss: a case study on Robinson Crusoe Island

Involving society in restoration and conservation

Spatially designed revegetation—why the spatial arrangement of plants should be as important to revegetation as they are to natural systems

Making the connection: expanding the role of restoration genetics in restoring and evaluating connectivity


Scientific Reports

A globally-distributed alien invasive species poses risks to United States imperiled species


Weed Science

Seed Longevity and Dormancy State Suggest Management Strategies for Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) and Japanese Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum) in Deciduous Forest Sites