American Journal of Botany
Common mycelial networks impact competition in an invasive grass
Aquatic Invasions
Potential impacts of invasive crayfish on native crayfish: insights from laboratory experiments
Biological Conservation
The science of citizen science: Exploring barriers to use as a primary research tool
Biological Control
Biological Invasions
Evidence for ongoing introduction of non-native earthworms in the Washington, DC metropolitan area
Improving the containment of a freshwater invader using environmental DNA (eDNA) based monitoring
Diversity and Distributions
Ecological Applications
Ecologically sustainable weed management: How do we get from proof-of-concept to adoption?
What Can We Expect from Climate Change for Species Invasions?
Forest Ecology and Management
Observed and anticipated impacts of drought on forest insects and diseases in the United States
Fundamental and Applied Limnology
Invasive Plant Science and Management
Photosynthetic performance of invasive Vincetoxicum species (Apocynaceae)
Journal of Applied Ecology
Weeds on the web: conflicting management advice about an invasive non-native plant
Herbicide usage for invasive non-native plant management in wildland areas of North America
Predicting costs of alien species surveillance across varying transportation networks
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management
Stem fragment regrowth of Hydrilla verticillata following desiccation
Management of flowering rush in the Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
Efficacy of combinations of diquat or triclopyr with fluridone for control of flowering rush
Journal of Ecology
Journal of Environmental Management
Biological invasions, ecological resilience and adaptive governance
Management of Biological Invasions
Break-even analysis for a green crab fishery in PEI, Canada
Natural Areas Journal
New Phytologist
Autocorrelated environmental variation and the establishment of invasive species
Pest Management Science
Plant and Soil
Global threat to agriculture from invasive species
Restoration Ecology
Strategies to restore floodplain vegetation after abandonment of human activities
Scientific Reports