Biocontrol Science and Technology
Weed biocontrol with fungi: past, present and future
Biological Conservation
A vision for global monitoring of biological invasions
Biological Control
Biological Invasions
Competition, niche opportunities and the successful invasion of natural habitats
Towards management of invasive ectomycorrhizal fungi
Do associations between native and invasive plants provide signals of invasive impacts?
Diversity and Distributions
Species roles in plant–pollinator communities are conserved across native and alien ranges
Environmental Management
Forest Ecology and Management
Effects of climate on the radial growth of white ash infested with emerald ash borer
Functional Ecology
Invasive Plant Science and Management
Shoreline drizzle applications for control of yellowflag iris (Iris pseudacorus)
Photosynthetic performance of invasive Vincetoxicum species (Apocynaceae)
Journal of Applied Ecology
Optimizing confirmation of invasive species eradication with rapid eradication assessment
Measuring the success of reforestation for restoring biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
Journal of Ecology
Identifying the role of soil microbes in plant invasions
Disentangling the four demographic dimensions of species invasiveness
Nature Communications
New Phytologist
Restoration Ecology
Knowing when (not) to attempt ecological restoration