Aquatic Invasions
Biodiversity and Conservation
Managing biodiversity under climate change: challenges, frameworks, and tools for adaptation
Biocontrol Science and Technology
Biological Conservation
Biological Control
Life stage specific predation of Halyomorpha halys (Stål) by generalist predators
Can Spathius galinae attack emerald ash borer larvae feeding in large ash trees?
Biological Invasions
Management of invasive plants through ecological resistance
Ecology of forest insect invasions
The double edge to parasite escape: invasive host is less infected but more infectable
Forest Ecology and Management
Functional Ecology
Global Change Biology
Protected areas offer refuge from invasive species spreading under climate change
Journal of Applied Ecology
Toward prediction in the restoration of biodiversity
Interpreting variation to advance predictive restoration science
Barriers to globally invasive species are weakening across the Antarctic
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management
Journal of Ecology
Plant-soil feedbacks mediate shrub expansion in declining forests, but only in the right light
Management of Biological Invasions
Invasive Asian clams (Corbicula fluminea) recorded from 2001 to 2016 in Massachusetts, USA
Natural Areas Journal
Restoration Ecology
The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society