American Journal of Botany
When are species invasions useful for addressing fundamental questions in plant biology?
Biodiversity and Conservation
Communication of flagship species in conservation: lessons from invasive management projects
Biological Conservation
Adaptive management improves decisions about where to search for invasive species
Biological Invasions
Ecology of invasive forest pathogens
Breeding trees resistant to insects and diseases: putting theory into application
Many eyes on the ground: citizen science is an effective early detection tool for biosecurity
Diversity and Distributions
Ecological Applications
Two-step adaptive management for choosing between two management actions
Anthropogenic factors predict movement of an invasive species
Forest Ecology and Management
A watershed decision support tool for managing invasive species on Hawai‘i Island, USA
Functional Ecology
Journal of Applied Ecology
Management of Biological Invasions
Invasive Asian clams (Corbicula fluminea) recorded from 2001 to 2016 in Massachusetts, USA
Experimental observations on the decay of environmental DNA from bighead and silver carps
New Phytologist
The emerging science of linked plant–fungal invasions
Restoration Ecology
Ecological restoration should be redefined for the twenty-first century