Torres et al. investigate what happens when you remove invasive plant species, and how timing of removal activities impacts plant communities.

New York Invasive Species Research Institute
Archive for tag: restoration
Researcher Spotlight: Dr. Annette Evans
This month, we interviewed Dr. Annette Evans, a postdoctoral researcher at UMass Amherst/Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center, whose work combines invasion ecology and climate change to inform land management by modeling abundance and distributions of invasive plants.
Researcher Spotlight: Dr. Andrew Newhouse
This month, we interviewed Dr. Andrew Newhouse, Assistant Director of the American Chestnut Research & Restoration Project for an update on the latest research and outlook on chestnut blight.
Emerging from the forest: invasive plant removal impacts on salamanders
With Spring setting in, plants are not the only thing emerging from the forest floor. Many frog and salamander species are on the move, but how might invasive plant management impact these ecologically important taxa?
Research Summary: A Good Flood and Glyphosate
Perennial Pepperweed, a widespread invasive in the west and emerging invader in the northeast, can be managed by restoring hydrologic regimes- herbicides can help too.