By: Carrie Brown-Lima
Gary Lovett was a key collaborator, NYISRI supporter, and friend.

We are deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Gary Lovett, whose invaluable research on forest ecosystems has advanced not only our knowledge of forest ecosystems and the impact of forest pests, but also provided much needed guidance to develop policies on how to protect these ecosystems. Since NYISRI’s establishment, Gary has served as a key advisor, collaborator, and friend. His legacy will live on through his highly impactful efforts to connect science to decision makers.
In his honor, we invite you to read the Cary Institute’s tribute to his life, the Tree Smart Trade recommendations that he so passionately advocated for, as well as the NYISRI researcher spotlight to learn more about his perspective and research (see snippet below):
What do you hope the long-term impact of your work will be?
“I hope my research will elucidate the long-term effects of forest pests on forest ecosystems, and how they interact with other environmental changes. I hope the policy work raises the profile of this issue with the public, the media, and government leaders, and that it will result in many fewer forest pests being introduced into this country in the future.”
Read Dr. Gary Lovett’s full researcher spotlight here >>