Abstracts of Interest: September 2020

To create this digest, we scan over two dozen ecology journals for papers on 1) invasive species present in New York State, or the Northeast region, 2) theoretical concepts or models which may have implications for management in New York State, or 3) economic, social, or ecological impacts of invasive species on a regional or global scale. The goal is to help managers and partners across the state of New York to more easily keep up to date on current research.

Several papers listed each month are open access, and anyone can view entire manuscripts. If an article you would like to read is not available through your institution, you can often contact lead or corresponding authors to receive a copy. If you are unable to obtain a paper this way, please contact us and we are happy to work with you to get you access.

American Journal of Botany

Life history variation in an invasive plant is associated with climate and recent colonization of a specialist herbivore

Biological Control

Relating host specificity testing to field risk for nontarget plants in North American weed biocontrol organisms

Biological Invasions

The influence of riparian invasion by the terrestrial shrub Lonicera maackii on aquatic macroinvertebrates in temperate forest headwater streams

Native and exotic plant species respond differently to ecosystem characteristics at both local and landscape scales

Flood dynamics dictate distributions of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. (Russian olive) on a riverine floodplain

Do day and night warming exert different effects on growth and competitive interaction between invasive and native plants?

Biocontrol Science and Technology

Interactions among biological control agents on water hyacinth: impacts of herbivory on the oviposition and development of Megamelus scutellaris

Biodiversity and Conservation

Biological invasions in World Heritage Sites: current status and a proposed monitoring and reporting framework


Evidence for Elton’s diversity‐invasibility hypothesis from belowground

Ecology Letters

Bugs scaring bugs: enemy‐risk effects in biological control systems

Species distribution models have limited spatial transferability for invasive species

Forest Ecology and Management

Population dynamics of ash across the eastern USA following invasion by emerald ash borer

Invasibility of fire-managed ecosystems to the Chinese tallow tree (Triadica sebifera) in the lower Gulf Coastal Plain, USA: Mechanisms and key factors at the landscape level

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

The invasion of Alternanthera philoxeroides increased soil organic carbon in a river and a constructed wetland with different mechanisms

The spatial signature of introgression after a biological invasion with hybridization

Functional Ecology

Trait filtering during exotic plant invasion of tropical rainforest remnants along a disturbance gradient

Journal of Applied Ecology

Effect of soil carbon amendments in reversing the legacy effect of plant invasion

Journal of Ecology

Demographic analysis of invasible habitat fraction identifies context‐dependent roles of resource availability and biotic resistance in determining invasion success

Invasive earthworms reduce chemical defense and increase herbivory and pathogen infection in native trees

Journal of Plant Ecology

Growth, phenology and N-utilization by invasive populations of Gunnera tinctoria

Scale dependence in the phylogenetic relatedness of alien and native taxa


A bobber’s perspective on angler-driven vectors of invasive species transmission

Germination of the invasive legume Lupinus polyphyllus depends on cutting date and seed morphology


Timing of oviposition influences the effects of a non-native grass on amphibian development


Most invasive species largely conserve their climatic niche

Assessing the ecological niche and invasion potential of the Asian giant hornet

Restoration Ecology

Revegetation to slow buckthorn reinvasion: Strengths and limits of evaluating management techniques retrospectively