To create this digest, we scan over two dozen ecology journals for papers on 1) invasive species present in New York State, or the Northeast region, 2) theoretical concepts or models which may have implications for management in New York State, or 3) economic, social, or ecological impacts of invasive species on a regional or global scale. The goal is to help managers and partners across the state of New York to more easily keep up to date on current research.
Several papers listed each month are open access, and anyone can view entire manuscripts. If an article you would like to read is not available through your institution, you can often contact lead or corresponding authors to receive a copy. If you are unable to obtain a paper this way, please contact us and we are happy to work with you to get you access.
American Journal of Botany
The evolution of invasiveness: a mechanistic view of trade‐offs involving defenses
Biocontrol Science and Technology
Acute toxicity of mosquito pesticides on weed biological control agents in south Florida, USA
Biological Control
Biological Invasions
A proposed unified framework to describe the management of biological invasions
Diversity and Distributions
Forest Ecology and Management
Coppicing of two native but invasive oak species in Florida
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
What will the future bring for biological invasions on islands? An expert-based assessment
Journal of Applied Ecology
Journal of Ecology
Journal of Plant Ecology
Aboveground herbivory increases soil nematode abundance of an invasive plant
Please don’t mow the Japanese knotweed!
Differential stoichiometric homeostasis and growth in two native and two invasive C3 grasses
Restoration Ecology
Limited long‐term effectiveness of roller‐chopping for managing woody encroachment