Abstracts of Interest: October 2017

Aquatic Invasions

Variation in predator-induced behavioral changes in introduced and native populations of the invasive New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum Gray, 1843)


Biological Conservation

High-throughput eDNA monitoring of fungi to track functional recovery in ecological restoration


Biological Invasions

The role of the social sciences and economics in understanding and informing tree biosecurity policy and planning: a global summary and synthesis

Economics of invasive species policy and management

A review of global instruments to combat invasive alien species in forestry

How do invasive species travel to and through urban environments?

Managing invasive species in cities: a decision support framework applied to Cape Town

Non-native species in urban environments: patterns, processes, impacts and challenges

Urban riparian systems function as corridors for both native and invasive plant species

Alien plants as mediators of ecosystem services and disservices in urban systems: a global review

Are urban systems beneficial, detrimental, or indifferent for biological invasion?

Does public awareness increase support for invasive species management? Promising evidence across taxa and landscape types

Is there an urban effect in alien plant invasions?

Urban trees: bridge-heads for forest pest invasions and sentinels for early detection

Naturalization of ornamental plant species in public green spaces and private gardens

Differences in soil fungal assemblages associated with native and non-native tree species of varying weediness

Low-head dams facilitate Round Goby Neogobius melanostomus invasion


Conservation Biology

The need for spatially explicit quantification of benefits in invasive-species management


Diversity and Distributions

Invasion lags: The stories we tell ourselves and our inability to infer process from pattern

Alien plants have greater impact than habitat fragmentation on native insect flower visitation networks


Ecological Applications

Strong indirect herbicide effects on mycorrhizal associations through plant community shifts and secondary invasions



Optimal control of an invasive species using a reaction-diffusion model and linear programming

Large river floodplain as a natural laboratory: non-native macroinvertebrates benefit from elevated temperatures


Functional Ecology

Individual and non-additive effects of exotic sap-feeders on root functional and mycorrhizal traits of a shared conifer host

Earthworms increase plant biomass more in soil with no earthworm legacy than in earthworm-mediated soil, and favour late successional species in competition


Journal of Applied Ecology

Role of multiple invasion mechanisms and their interaction in regulating the population dynamics of an exotic tree

Habitat restoration benefits wild bees: A meta-analysis

Developing a framework of minimum standards for the risk assessment of alien species

Invasive species management will benefit from social impact assessment


Journal of Ecology

Intracontinental plant invader shows matching genetic and chemical profiles and might benefit from high defence variation within populations

Long-term dynamics and impacts of plant invasions

Effects of a non-native grass invasion decline over time

Climate and rapid local adaptation as drivers of germination and seed bank dynamics of Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard) in North America

Mycorrhizae, invasions, and the temporal dynamics of mutualism disruption

Are exotic plants more abundant in the introduced versus native range?

Biotic homogenization of regional wetland plant communities within short time-scales in the presence of an aggressive invader


Journal of Plant Ecology

Small scale genotypic richness stabilizes plot biomass and increases phenotypic variance in the invasive grass Phalaris arundinacea


Management of Biological Invasions

Citizen science program detects range expansion of the globally invasive European green crab in Washington State (USA)

Development and field validation of an environmental DNA (eDNA) assay for invasive clams of the genus Corbicula

Low downstream dispersal of young-of-year common carp from marshes into lakes in the Upper Mississippi River region and its implications for integrated pest management strategies


Molecular Ecology

Environmental DNA detection of rare and invasive fish species in two Great Lakes tributaries


Natural Areas Journal

Effects of Long-Term Manual Invasive Plant Removal on Forest Understory Composition

Are Native Tree Seedlings Facilitated by an Invasive Shrub Where White-Tailed Deer Are Abundant?



Demographic stochasticity and resource autocorrelation control biological invasions in heterogeneous landscapes

Genotypic diversity and environmental variability affect the invasibility of experimental plant populations


Plant and Soil

Invasive earthworms change nutrient availability and uptake by forest understory plants


Restoration Ecology

Ecological indicators for assessing ecological success of forest restoration: a world review