Acta Oecologia
Aquatic Invasions
Biodiversity and Conservation
Communication of flagship species in conservation: lessons from invasive management projects
Biological Control
Biological Invasions
Towards the genetic control of invasive species
Patterns and mechanisms of invasive plant impacts on North American birds: a systematic review
Risk analysis of the invasion pathway of the Asian gypsy moth: a known forest invader
The unified framework for biological invasions: a forest fungal pathogen perspective
Risk management to prioritise the eradication of new and emerging invasive non-native species
Ecological Restoration
Impacts of an invasive plant are fundamentally altered by a co-occurring forest disturbance.
Frontiers in Plant Science
Contemporary Remotely Sensed Data Products Refine Invasive Plants Risk Mapping in Data Poor Regions
Functional Ecology
Biological invasion modifies the co-occurrence patterns of insects along a stress gradient
Journal of Applied Ecology
Journal of Ecology
Journal of Plant Ecology
Management of Biological Invasions
Nature Ecology and Evolution
Confronting the risks of large-scale invasive species control
Managing for biodiversity: impact and action thresholds for invasive plants in natural ecosystems
New Phytologist
When prevention fails. Towards more efficient strategies for plant disease eradication
Invasive planktivores as mediators of organic matter exchanges within and across ecosystems
Population Ecology