Aquatic Invasions
Biological Control
Biological Invasions
Plant invasion science in protected areas: progress and priorities
Aliens in the nursery: assessing the attitudes of nursery managers to invasive species regulations
Diversity and Distributions
Assessing the assessments: evaluation of four impact assessment protocols for invasive alien species
Impacts of invasive plants on carbon pools depend on both species’ traits and local climate
Invasive plants accelerate nitrogen cycling: evidence from experimental woody monocultures
Ecology of Freshwater Fish
Forest Ecology and Management
Advances in Ecological Research
The Effects of Invasive Species on the Decline in Species Richness: A Global Meta-Analysis
Impacts of Invasive Species on Food Webs: A Review of Empirical Data
Invasions Toolkit: Current Methods for Tracking the Spread and Impact of Invasive Species
Journal of Applied Ecology
Interpreting and predicting the spread of invasive wild pigs
Invasive plant removal: assessing community impact and recovery from invasion
Changes in soil microbial communities due to biological invasions can reduce allelopathic effects
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management
A review of aquatic plant monitoring and assessment methods
Journal of Ecology
Responses of common and rare aliens and natives to nutrient availability and fluctuations
Journal of Environmental Management
Journal of Plant Ecology
Traits of an invasive grass conferring an early growth advantage over native grasses
Bird–plant interactions and vulnerability to biological invasions
Natural Areas Journal
Hog Heaven? Challenges of Managing Introduced Wild Pigs in Natural Areas
Plant and Soil
Restoration Ecology
Knowing when (not) to attempt ecological restoration
Urban Ecosystems