2016 Cornell Cooperative Extension In-service: Invasive Species Track Presentations

Forecasting invasive species with climate change
Dr. Jenica Allen, Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of New Hampshire

National Forum on Climate & Pests
Dr. Stephen Young, Director, Northeastern IPM Center, Cornell University

Post Control Monitoring: Effective Control or Invasion Treadmill?
Dr. Sara Kuebbing, Post-Doctoral Fellow, David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellow, Yale University

Post Control Monitoring: Effective Control or Invasion Treadmill? Case Studies from the Adirondack Park
Zachary Simek, Terrestrial Invasive Species Project Coordinator, Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program (APIPP)

Are “Alien” Plants “Bad”?
Dr. Doug Tallamy, Professor & Chair of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, University of Delaware

Environmental DNA & Underwater Video Technology as Tools for Early Detection of Aquatic Invasive Species
Rob Williams, Conservation Practitioner, The Nature Conservancy and Invasive Species Program Coordinator, St. Lawrence & Eastern Lake Ontario PRISM

Using eDNA to Detect and Monitor Invasive Species in New York State
Dr. Rodman Getchell, Associate Director, AQUAVET®, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Cornell University

Students Engaging in Environment: A Student and Scientist Collaboration to Assess Aquatic Invasive Species
Dr. Donna Cassidy-Hanley, Senior Research Associate, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Cornell University

Nitellopsis obtusa in North America
Robin Sleith, PhD Student, Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Program for Molecular Systematics Studies, The New York Botanical Garden

Low-cost Water Data Collection
Dr. Paul Scerri, President, Platypus LLC

Biological Control of Trapa natans
Dr. Bernd Blossey, Associate Professor, Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University

Swallow-wort Biocontrol Updates
Dr. Lindsey Milbrath, Research Entomologist, USDA-ARS, Biological Integrated Pest Management Unit

Biological Control of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Adelges tsugae
Mark Whitmore, Forest Entomologist, Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University

Lessons Learned from Statewide Responses to Invasive Species
Jerry Carlson, Chief Research Scientist, NY DEC Forest Health
Mark Whitmore, Forest Entomologist, Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University

Watercraft Inspection Steward Programs: History & NYSG’s Role
Brittney Rogers, Watercraft Inspection Program Leader Trainer, New York Sea Grant

Clean Drain and Dry to Prevent the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species: Science and Research
Dr. David Wong, Associate Professor in Research, Department of Biology, SUNY Oneonta

Environmental Analyst, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection