Name: Shulenburg, Patricia PrintGo Back

Institution: Save The river

Description of Teaching:

I am currently the Program Manager/Project Manager for Save The River. I wrote, administer, and manage a $100,000 NYSDEC Invasive Species Research grant focusing on unionid refuge using habitat as a biological control for dressenid mussels. I also teach citizen science monitoring, reporting, and management for iMapInvasives and incorporate interpretive hikes, paddles, and management demonstration projects.

I have taught invasive species sections of undergraduate coursework as an adjunct professor and field identification for over five years. I was the WNY PRISM Education and Outreach Assistant in 2015 and assisted with invasive species management including herbicide application, identification, and early detection/rapid response.

From 2015-2017 I managed terrestrial and aquatic invasive species for central Region State Parks and wrote the Phragmites management plan for Sandy Island Beach State Park. I am also a Project Wet and Aquatic Wild trainer, and incorporate New York State Science Learning Standards and Common Core Learning Standards into classroom and educator trainings.

Phone: 315-686-2010


NY Region: St. Lawrence/E. Lake Ontario

Course-level: Introductory Undergraduate

Invasive Species Concepts Taught: Invasion Theory, Invasive Species Management, Invasive Species Inventory/Mapping

I am willing to discuss: K-12 Education and Outreach Events, K-12 Curriculum Development, University Guest Lectures, General Public Outreach Events

Last updated: January 7, 2020 at 11:19 am