Agreement Targets Invasive Species Research, Control, and Mitigation
New York Invasive Species Research Institute
Archive for category: News
Researcher Spotlight: Dr. Tim McCay
Collaborating with a new generation of ecologists, Dr. Tim McCay is researching Asian Jumping Worms– an invasive species that's spreading "right under our noses."
Research in Progress: Humans and Dogs Seek Spotted Lanternfly
NYISRI is working with partners to research Spotted Lanternfly detection with humans, and dogs.
Open for Comment: Interior’s Invasive Species Plan
Furthers federal actions to aggressively combat invasive species from Guam to the Everglades; Open for comment for 60 days.
Spotted Lanternfly Found in NY
Spotted Lanternfly, an invasive insect that threatens agriculture, has been identified for the first time in New York.
Mystery Seeds: What New Yorkers Should Do
Recent news of mysterious seeds from China have raised questions about species introductions. Here's what the USDA and NY DAM have to say about it
Funding Opportunity for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation has developed a fund for conservation organizations to support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion– Proposals due July 31.
Knotweed Biocontrol Released in NYS
After extensive review, the knotweed psyllid (Aphalara itadori) has been released in NY's Tioga and Broome counties to control Japanese Knotweed.
Research Summary: Dropping Like Flies
Success: a fungus can help suppress Spotted Lanternfly, invasive insect to the Northeast U.S.
New Forest Pest Funding Opportunity
Recent funding opportunity from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative