20th Annual Pine Barrens Research Forum
View the event flyer. To register, contact carol.sholl@scwa.com or call the Pine Barrens Commission office at (631) 288-1079.
View the event flyer. To register, contact carol.sholl@scwa.com or call the Pine Barrens Commission office at (631) 288-1079.
From NYS DEC: "This workshop includes a lecture portion focusing on recent research on treatment options and application methods for...
For details and to register, visit the CCE 2015 Agriculture & Food Systems Inservice page and select the Invasive Species...
From The New York Botanical Garden: Â "Invasive species are a major threat to biodiversity worldwide and are severely impacting our...
From the Cary Institute: Trees in Trouble tells the story of America's urban and community forests: their history, their growing...
From Cornell Plantations: What do garlic mustard, European buckthorn, shrub honeysuckles, and pale swallow-wort have in common? They are non-native,...
From Cornell Plantations: Landscaping in our crowded world carries both moral and ecological responsibilities that we can no longer ignore....