Name: Phillips, Meg PrintGo Back

Institution: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Description of Teaching:

I work as the Invasive Species Education and Outreach Coordinator at the NYSDEC. In 2016 and 2017 I have been working with a team to develop invasive species curriculum “mini units” aligned to the new P12 New York State Science Learning Standards. I also occasionally am invited to present as a guest lecturer for undergraduate ecology and environmental science courses. For the classroom component, I typically provide an overview of the invasive species program in New York, give examples of species and the impacts that they have had locally, and offer solutions for preventing their spread and establishment (prevention, early detection, rapid response, monitoring). I like to include a field component if time allows, during which students learn how to identify a handful of species and report infestations to the iMap Invasives database.

Phone: 518-402-8871


Course-level: Introductory Undergraduate

Invasive Species Concepts Taught: Invasion Theory, Invasion Ecology, Invasive Species Management, Invasive Species Inventory/Mapping

Last updated: March 15, 2017 at 10:35 am