Total listings: 19

Name: Williams, Rob

Institution: SLELO PRISM – The Nature Conservancy

Description of Teaching:

My work focuses on combining presentations with open dialog about topics related to invasive species (aquatic and terrestrial), early detection and rapid response approaches along with site restoration post treatment and the use of environmental DNA as a practical early detection tool for aquatic invasive species. Past guest collegiate presentations include Wells College Science Colloquium.

Phone: 315.387.3600


NY Region: St. Lawrence/E. Lake Ontario

Course Type: Several lectures, Single lecture

Course Level: Introductory Undergraduate, Upper-level Undergraduate

Invasive Species Concepts Taught: Invasive Species Management, Early Detection Approaches, Rapid Response Approaches, eDNA, Site Restoration

Last updated: April 24, 2019 at 1:24 pm

Name: Wakefield-Brown, Patty

Institution: Finger Lakes Institute/FL-PRISM

Description of Teaching:

I am an Invasive Species Outreach and Volunteer Specialist at The Finger Lakes Institute/FL-PRISM. I do presentations and outreach with K-12, college students and home/landowners. I teach invasive species ID, management, and control. I oversee an aquatic macrophyte survey pilot program (2017) and also promote stewardship and empowerment in my presentations to enforce Better Management Practices (BMP). I stress that “if we all did one little thing every day, what a difference we could make.”

Phone: 315-781-4387


NY Region: Finger Lakes

Course Type: Several lectures

Course Level: Introductory Undergraduate

Invasive Species Concepts Taught: Invasive Species Management, Invasive Species Inventory/Mapping, Risk Assessment

Last updated: August 30, 2017 at 11:07 am

Name: Tolliver, Rory

Institution: Q griy C

Description of Teaching:

Do you want more visits to your site?
I succeeded and it works with this

NY Region: Lower Hudson

Course Type: Entire course , Several lectures, Several labs, Single lecture, Single lab

Course Level: Introductory Undergraduate, Upper-level Undergraduate, Graduate level

Invasive Species Concepts Taught: Invasion Theory, Invasion Ecology, Invasive Species Management, Invasive Species Inventory/Mapping , Risk Assessment

I am willing to discuss: K-12 Education and Outreach Events, K-12 Curriculum Development, University Guest Lectures, University Curriculum Development, General Public Outreach Events, Please do not contact me

Last updated: July 19, 2021 at 3:59 am

Name: Titus, Jon

Institution: SUNY-Fredonia

Description of Teaching:

BIOL131&132 Introduction to Ecology and Evolution & lab. Invasive species are one of the topics I bring up continually throughout the course.
BIOL550 Plant Community Ecology There is a unit on invasives.

Phone: 716-785-1526

NY Region: Western NY

Course Type: Several lectures, Several labs, rmoval activities

Course Level: Introductory Undergraduate, Upper-level Undergraduate, Graduate level

Invasive Species Concepts Taught: Invasion Theory, Invasion Ecology, Invasive Species Management

Last updated: August 30, 2017 at 11:09 am

Name: Shulenburg, Patricia

Institution: Save The river

Description of Teaching:

I am currently the Program Manager/Project Manager for Save The River. I wrote, administer, and manage a $100,000 NYSDEC Invasive Species Research grant focusing on unionid refuge using habitat as a biological control for dressenid mussels. I also teach citizen science monitoring, reporting, and management for iMapInvasives and incorporate interpretive hikes, paddles, and management demonstration projects.

I have taught invasive species sections of undergraduate coursework as an adjunct professor and field identification for over five years. I was the WNY PRISM Education and Outreach Assistant in 2015 and assisted with invasive species management including herbicide application, identification, and early detection/rapid response.

From 2015-2017 I managed terrestrial and aquatic invasive species for central Region State Parks and wrote the Phragmites management plan for Sandy Island Beach State Park. I am also a Project Wet and Aquatic Wild trainer, and incorporate New York State Science Learning Standards and Common Core Learning Standards into classroom and educator trainings.

Phone: 315-686-2010


NY Region: St. Lawrence/E. Lake Ontario

Course Type: Several lectures, Several labs

Course Level: Introductory Undergraduate

Invasive Species Concepts Taught: Invasion Theory, Invasive Species Management, Invasive Species Inventory/Mapping

I am willing to discuss: K-12 Education and Outreach Events, K-12 Curriculum Development, University Guest Lectures, General Public Outreach Events

Last updated: January 7, 2020 at 11:19 am

Name: Robinson, George

Institution: Biology, University at Albany, SUNY

Description of Teaching:

Bio 120, General Biology 1
Bio 222 Biological Consequences of Global Climate Change
Bi0 455/555 Plant Ecology
Bio 530A Biodiversity, Conservation and Policy: Theoretical Issues
Bio 530B Biodiversity, Conservation and Policy: Policy Issues

Phone: 5184381068


NY Region: Capital-Mohawk

Course Type: Several lectures, Single lecture, Single lab

Course Level: Introductory Undergraduate, Upper-level Undergraduate, Graduate level

Invasive Species Concepts Taught: Invasion Theory, Invasion Ecology, Invasive Species Inventory/Mapping

Last updated: March 16, 2017 at 10:15 am

Name: Pino, Olen

Institution: Dzznp rekxy no

Description of Teaching:

Hi There!

We are reaching out to those from the math education space who would be excited to participate in our FREE Virtual Summit coming up on November 13th and 14th, 2021.

Not only will you love hearing 25+ influencers from the math education space presenting live over Zoom, but I’m sure your audience and colleagues will stand to benefit as well!

Register to save your seat here:

Will we see you there?

Kyle & Jon

PS – Consider sharing this amazing free event with others in the education space!

NY Region: Lower Hudson

Course Type: Entire course , Several lectures, Several labs, Single lecture, Single lab

Course Level: Introductory Undergraduate, Upper-level Undergraduate, Graduate level

Invasive Species Concepts Taught: Invasion Theory, Invasion Ecology, Invasive Species Management, Invasive Species Inventory/Mapping , Risk Assessment

I am willing to discuss: K-12 Education and Outreach Events, K-12 Curriculum Development, University Guest Lectures, University Curriculum Development, General Public Outreach Events, Please do not contact me

Last updated: November 21, 2021 at 6:07 am

Name: Phillips, Meg

Institution: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Description of Teaching:

I work as the Invasive Species Education and Outreach Coordinator at the NYSDEC. In 2016 and 2017 I have been working with a team to develop invasive species curriculum “mini units” aligned to the new P12 New York State Science Learning Standards. I also occasionally am invited to present as a guest lecturer for undergraduate ecology and environmental science courses. For the classroom component, I typically provide an overview of the invasive species program in New York, give examples of species and the impacts that they have had locally, and offer solutions for preventing their spread and establishment (prevention, early detection, rapid response, monitoring). I like to include a field component if time allows, during which students learn how to identify a handful of species and report infestations to the iMap Invasives database.

Phone: 518-402-8871


Course Type: Several lectures

Course Level: Introductory Undergraduate

Invasive Species Concepts Taught: Invasion Theory, Invasion Ecology, Invasive Species Management, Invasive Species Inventory/Mapping

Last updated: March 15, 2017 at 10:35 am

Name: McCay, Timothy

Institution: Colgate University

Description of Teaching:

I teach about invasive species in the context of conservation biology (BIOL 330), applied natural resource conservation (ENST 315), and a senior seminar in environmental studies (ENST 490).

I would be available to give seminars on invasive earthworms in the Northeast and their relationship to biodiversity and native earthworm species. I conduct research on both European (lumbricid) and Asian (megascolecid) invasive earthworms.

Phone: 315-228-7705


NY Region: Finger Lakes

Course Type: Entire course, Several lectures, Several labs

Course Level: Introductory Undergraduate, Upper-level Undergraduate

Invasive Species Concepts Taught: Invasion Theory, Invasion Ecology, Invasive Species Inventory/Mapping

I am willing to discuss: University Guest Lectures, General Public Outreach Events

Last updated: June 2, 2019 at 8:53 pm

Name: Kolozsvary, Mary Beth

Institution: Siena College

Description of Teaching:

I am an Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Sciences at Siena College. I offer an upper-level majors elective course, ENVA 305, Invasive Species. I also incorporate invasive species lectures, labs, and group projects that involve invasive species in other courses (e.g., ENVA 250 Ecosystem Ecology, ENVA 450 Conservation Biology, ENVA 015 Principles of Ecology (non-majors, core disciplinary course)). I have guest lectured on the topic in another non-majors, core disciplinary course, ENVA 020 Biological Diversity). I also mentor undergraduate researchers in independent studies involving invasive species (field and lab based projects; summer and during the school year).

Phone: 5187826968


NY Region: Capital-Mohawk

Course Type: Entire course, Several lectures, Several labs, Single lecture, Single lab

Course Level: Introductory Undergraduate, Upper-level Undergraduate

Invasive Species Concepts Taught: Invasion Ecology, Invasive Species Management, Invasive Species Inventory/Mapping, Risk Assessment

Last updated: June 3, 2019 at 10:32 am